Reports Examine Lessons of Swiss Consumer-Driven Health System
- "Consumer-Driven Health Care: Lessons From Switzerland," Journal of the American Medical Association: The report by Regina Herzlinger, a professor of business administration at Harvard Business School, and Ramin Parsa-Parsi of Harvard Medical International, examines the health care system in Switzerland, under which residents are required to purchase their own health insurance. The Swiss system offers lessons on equity and feasibility of consumer-driven health care for the U.S. system, according to the report (Herzlinger/Parsa-Parsi, JAMA, 9/8).
- "The Swiss Health System: Regulated Competition Without Managed Care," JAMA: In an accompanying commentary, Uwe Reinhardt of Princeton University's Department of Economics and Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs says that the "superior performance of the Swiss health system is not necessarily attributable to the role of consumer choice." He notes that the Swiss system might be "of special interest" to U.S. policymakers and individuals who are not in favor of government-run health insurance (Reinhardt, JAMA, 9/8).
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