NPR Interviews Co-Founders of Company Selling Traditional Beadwork Items To Raise Funds for HIV/AIDS Programs
NPR's "News & Notes with Ed Gordon" on Thursday included an interview with Mathapelo Ngaka and Barbara Jackson, co-founders of Monkeybiz, a company selling traditional beadwork projects, including some addressing the issue of HIV/AIDS, to raise funds for HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention projects. Ngaka and Jackson helped about 450 South African women to form a collective to produce beadwork items in a traditional style. Funds from the sale of the items are used to support families, fund an HIV/AIDS clinic and assist with funeral costs. Jackson said the work seeks to improve the women's lives by allowing them to participate in many activities, including consulting with physicians, opening soup kitchens, planting vegetable gardens and participating in arts, drama and yoga (Chideya, "News & Notes with Ed Gordon," NPR, 4/13).
The complete segment is available online in RealPlayer.