Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report Summarizes Reports Released in Advance of XVI International AIDS Conference
As part of expanded coverage of the XVI International AIDS Conference, which will be held from Aug. 13 to Aug. 18 in Toronto, the Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report will feature major studies and initiatives in the days leading up to and during the conference. Summaries of select publications and initiatives appear below.
- "A Delegates' Guide to Law and Human Rights at AIDS 2006," Open Society Institute: The guide, which was compiled by the Law and Health Initiative of OSI's Public Health Program, details legal and human rights-themed conference sessions and presentations at the AIDS conference. In addition, the guide includes a list of organizations that work on legal and human rights issues that will be in the conference's exhibit area, as well as summary information on workshops, events, satellite meetings and skill-building workshops that will take place during the conference (OSI, "A Delegates' Guide to Law and Human Rights at AIDS 2006," 8/8).
- "Zero Tolerance: Stop the Violence Against Women and Children, Stop HIV/AIDS," Global AIDS Alliance: Programs aimed at curbing violence directed at women and children are moving too slowly, according to a report released Aug. 1 by the GAA. Women who have experienced violence might be three times as likely as women who have not experienced violence to contract HIV, the report says. In addition, the increased risk of HIV transmission during unprotected forced or coerced sex is compounded by HIV/AIDS policies that do not take into account the "realities facing women and girls," according to the report. The report says that to address the role that violence against women and children plays in the HIV/AIDS pandemic, there must be political commitment, the mobilization of resources, legal and judicial reform, education and health sector reform, mass marketing for social change and community mobilization (GAA, "Zero Tolerance: Stop the Violence Against Women and Children, Stop HIV/AIDS," 8/1).
The XVI International AIDS Conference program is available online.
Kaisernetwork.org will serve as official webcaster of the conference. Sign up now to receive free daily e-mail updates during the conference at http://www.kaisernetwork.org/aids2006. This is part of the Morning Briefing, a summary of health policy coverage from major news organizations. Sign up for an email subscription.