Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report Highlights Broadcast Coverage Related to XVI International AIDS Conference
Several broadcast programs reported on the opening of the XVI International AIDS Conference and the HIV pandemic. Summaries appear below.
BBC News: The segment includes comments from Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, from the opening ceremony of the conference (Dreaper, BBC News, 8/13). The complete segment is available online in RealPlayer.
- BBC World Service's "World Today Select": The program on Monday examined the fight against HIV/AIDS in China ("World Today Select," BBC World Service, 8/14). The complete segment is available online in Windows Media.
CBC Radio's "The Current": The program on Friday reported on a billboard campaign in Lusaka, Zambia, with the message, "Raping a Child Will Not Cure AIDS." The segment includes comments from "The Current" producer Nicola Luksic, who earlier this year visited Lusaka's The Umoyo Training Centre, which is supported by the Stephen Lewis Foundation (Luksic, "The Current," CBC Radio, 8/11). The complete segment is available online in RealPlayer.
- Citytv's "CityNews": The program on Saturday reported on the opening of the conference and a photography exhibit at the conference of HIV-positive Africans who have received treatment. The segment includes comments from Dorit Thies, the photographer who created the exhibit; U.N. Special Envoy for AIDS in Africa Stephen Lewis; and delegates and journalists at the conference (Alman, "CityNews," Citytv, 8/12). The complete segment is available online in mp3 format.
CTV's "Canada AM": The segment reports on the opening of the conference. The segment includes comments from Philip Berger, a physician at the University of Toronto's Department of Family and Community Medicine; AIDS conference Co-Chair Mark Wainberg, who directs the McGill University AIDS Centre; and delegates at the conference (Favaro, "Canada AM," CTV, 8/13). The complete segment is available online in Windows Media.
- CTV's "CTV Toronto": The segment includes comments from Bill Gates; Lewis; and delegates at the conference (Solomon, "CTV Toronto," CTV, 8/13). The complete segment is available online in Windows Media.
- CTV's "CTV Toronto": The segment reports on the African and Canadian grandmothers who met at the conference (Bachynsky, "CTV Toronto," CTV, 8/13). The complete segment is available online in Windows Media.
- NPR's "All Things Considered": The program on Sunday examined how the stigma of HIV/AIDS prevents people from getting tested for HIV. The segment includes comments from African American residents of Houston who prefer to "live in denial" of HIV rather than take an HIV test, even if they might be HIV-positive without knowing it (Wilson, "All Things Considered," NPR, 8/13). The complete segment is available online in RealPlayer.
- NPR's "Morning Edition": The program on Monday profiled the work of the Thomas Street Health Center -- a facility in Houston that provides medical and mental health services to residents with HIV/AIDS -- and the complications of long-term use of antiretroviral drugs. The segment includes comments from Thomas Giordano, director of Thomas Street; Wayne Shandara, an infectious disease specialist at Baylor College of Medicine who also works at Thomas Street; and clients and staff at Thomas Street (Wilson, "Morning Edition," NPR, 8/14). The complete segment is available online in RealPlayer.
- NPR's "Weekend Edition Sunday": The program examined how access to HIV treatments remains limited. The segment includes comments from an HIV-positive U.S. resident who ten years ago began taking antiretroviral drugs and his physician (Knox, "Weekend Edition Sunday," NPR, 8/13). The complete segment is available online in RealPlayer.
- PRI's "The World": The program -- a production of BBC World Service, PRI and WGBH Boston -- on Friday included an interview with Jacob Goldstein, a health reporter for the Miami Herald, about the number of HIV-positive adults in Haiti (Mullins, "The World," PRI, 8/11). The complete segment is available online in Windows Media.
- Radio Canada International's "Canada Today to Africa": The program on Friday examined sex education efforts -- including HIV/AIDS prevention -- in Canada (Desjardins, "Canada Today to Africa," RCI, 8/11). The complete segment is available online in Windows Media.
Kaisernetwork.org is serving as the official webcaster of the conference. View the guide to coverage and all webcasts, interviews and a daily video round up of conference highlights at http://www.kaisernetwork.org/aids2006. This is part of the Morning Briefing, a summary of health policy coverage from major news organizations. Sign up for an email subscription.