Kenya Considers Reintroducing DDT To Control Malaria
Kenya is considering reintroducing the pesticide DDT to control malaria after the World Health Organization last week announced new guidelines supporting indoor insecticide spraying using the chemical, the Nation reports (Gathura, Nation, 9/20). The pesticide has been banned in Kenya since 1988 because of its potential effect on the environment and animals, and Ahmed Ogwel, head of international health at the Ministry of Health, earlier this year said the country does not plan to reintroduce the chemical (, 5/18). Willis Akhwale, head of Kenya's malaria control, on Tuesday said, "New studies have shown earlier accusations of DDT to be largely incorrect," adding, "The pesticide is safe for use in malaria control, if, like other chemicals, it is used responsibly." He added that a decision will be made on the issue by the end of the week (Nation, 9/20).
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