Experts Worry Eating Disorder Centers Are Sacrificing Treatment For Profit
In an ever-expanding industry, some worry that the residential programs are taking advantage of vulnerable patients.
The New York Times:
Centers To Treat Eating Disorders Are Growing, And Raising Concerns
Their websites show peaceful scenes — young women relaxing by the ocean or caring for horses in emerald pastures — and boast of their chefs and other amenities. One center sends out invitations to a reception with cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. Another offers doctors and therapists all-expense-paid trips to visit and experience their offerings, including yoga classes. Several employ staff who call mental health professionals, saying they would love to have lunch. The marketing efforts by these for-profit residential care centers are aimed at patients with eating disorders and the clinicians who treat them. The programs have proliferated in recent years, with some companies expanding across the country. (Goode, 3/14)