European Union Sets Four Priority Areas, Including Food Security, For Upcoming G20 Summit
The Devex Development Newswire reports on the upcoming G20 summit, which will take place in Los Cabos, Mexico, on June 18-19. The news service writes, "In a letter [.pdf] issued May 25, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso noted the European Union's four priority areas at the summit," which are growth and employment, strengthening the International Monetary Fund, reforming the financial system, and food security and the G20's development work. "The letter did not hint on new initiatives similar to the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, which was launched at the recently concluded G8 summit," the news service notes, adding, "The two leaders only said they will welcome progress made on the implementation of the G20 Action Plan on Food Price Volatility and Agriculture adopted last year" (Ravelo, 5/28).
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