G20 Agriculture Ministers Reach Deal Aimed At Addressing High Food Prices
"G20 farm ministers settled a deal on Thursday to tackle high food prices, agreeing to a watered-down declaration that fell short of France's ambitious proposals to tighten regulation of commodity markets," Reuters reports.
"The member states of the G20 concluded an agreement this morning on an action plan on volatility of food prices and global agriculture," said French Farm Minister Bruno Le Maire, who chaired the meeting. "A communique was not immediately available, but a G20 source said it urged finance ministers of the Group of 20 major economies to improve rules and supervision of commodity markets," the news service writes. "The action plan includes increasing agricultural output, improving market transparency through a new database and removing export restrictions for food aid, Le Maire said" (de La Hamaide/Dunmore, 6/23).
Ahead of the meeting, NPR's Tell Me More interviewed David Nabarro, U.N. special representative on food security and nutrition (Martin, 6/22). NPR's Tell Me More also interviewed USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah about food security (Martin, 6/22).
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