Lancet Examines WHO Euro Health 2020 Initiative
The Lancet examines Health 2020, "a 'process of consultation' between WHO Euro and its 53 diverse member states" that "will build partnerships to tackle the complex determinants and drivers of health and health equity." The Lancet writes, "With the region's aging populations, increasing rates of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and spiraling treatment costs, the whole government must be brought in, alongside ministries of health and health systems, in a new 'movement for public health, believes" WHO Regional Director for Europe Zsuzsanna Jakab. WHO Euro will hold a high-level meeting on Health 2020 on November 27 in Jerusalem, the Lancet notes, adding that "[t]he results of this meeting are expected to feed into WHO's Executive Board meeting in January 2012" (Walgate, 11/19).
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