U.S. Investments In HIV Treatment Internationally, Domestically ‘Should Pay Off’
"We welcome the Obama administration's announcement of a farsighted effort to treat millions more [people living with HIV] abroad, especially in sub-Saharan Africa," a New York Times editorial writes. "The administration expects that the expanded treatments can be paid for with existing resources, by pushing for greater efficiencies and more financing from recipient nations. But if that effort stalls, the administration should re-evaluate quickly whether to ask Congress for money," the editorial states.
"Progress in preventing new infections has stagnated abroad and in the United States, so the push to expand treatments, along with other proven prevention programs like condom distribution, is clearly needed," especially in light of "new findings [which] show that very early treatment of people infected with HIV enhances their health and greatly lessens the likelihood that they will spread the virus that causes AIDS," the editorial writes. Noting an administration announcement of $50 million in funding for domestic treatment programs and an effort by New York City to push for early treatment and more widespread HIV testing, the New York Times concludes, "The investments here and abroad should pay off in the long run by reducing the number of people infected and easing the severity of illnesses" (12/9).
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