Health Care Industry Braces For Its Enemy No. 1: The Republican Front-Runners
With both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz promising to repeal the health law, hospitals, insurers, consulting firms and others whose businesses have boomed see headaches ahead. In other news, Hillary Clinton talks about how she would expand health care of undocumented immigrants.
Politico Pro:
Health Care Industries See Threats From Both Cruz And Trump
The health care establishment that’s benefited from Obamacare is grappling with a disturbing truth. Either of the two leading candidates for the GOP presidential nomination could be the industry’s Enemy No. 1 — for totally different reasons. (Pradhan and Demko, 3/21)
CBS News:
Hillary Clinton Explains Her Stance On Obamacare For Undocumented Immigrants
Hillary Clinton on Monday night explained the way she would at least partially expand access to Obamacare to undocumented immigrants. "There are two steps here," the Democratic presidential front-runner said in a televised town hall on CNN. "If someone can afford to pay for an insurance policy off the exchanges that were set up under the Affordable Care Act, I support that." (Condon, 3/21)