As High Court Considers Health Law Challenges, Key Legal Issues Take Shape
Reuters details a number of the key questions that have surfaced in legal briefs related to the Supreme Court consideration of challenges to the health law. Meanwhile, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, in its brief, took a nuanced approach regarding the individual mandate.
Reuters: Obama Health Care Law Issues Before High Court
Six cases involving President Barack Obama's health care overhaul legislation are pending before the Supreme Court as part of the legal battle over the law's fate. The following key issues have emerged in the legal briefs recently filed in the cases stemming from Obama's signature and most controversial domestic achievement that involved the biggest reform of the health care system in nearly 50 years (Vicini, 10/25).
The Associated Press: Chamber Asks High Court To Review Health Care Law
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has been a fierce opponent of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, is taking a more nuanced approach in urging the Supreme Court to take up review of the law. The chamber said in a legal brief filed Tuesday that it takes no position on the constitutionality of the contested provision at the heart of the law, the requirement that individuals purchase health insurance or pay a penalty starting in 2014 (Sherman, 10/25).