Study Suggests That Some Illegal Immigrants May Benefit From Reform
Although illegal immigrants are not eligible for benefits from the health care reform proposals, the current bills may not offer strict oversight on the issue. The Palm Springs, Calif., Desert Sun reports: "A study released Tuesday says that without enforcement, undocumented immigrants could get health care coverage through the president's proposed plan, costing Americans more than $30 billion annually. But that's if all undocumented immigrants seek care - something another immigration expert and the study say is unlikely. And the price is small compared to the cost for American citizens."
"Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for benefits under the proposed America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009. ... However, the study by the Center for Immigration Studies says the bill's lack of an enforcement provision opens the door to the undocumented taking advantage of the program. ... [the] report also says that it is likely many undocumented immigrants would not enroll in the proposed plan out of fear or the lack of knowledge of the new program" (Brambila, 9/9).