Survey Finds Seniors Satisfied With Medicare Part D
The national survey of 2,363 seniors, which was conducted by Medicare Today, found 90 percent are satisfied with their Medicare prescription drug coverage.
CQ HealthBeat: Don't Mess With Medicare Part D, Say Analysts
Ninety percent of seniors are satisfied with the Medicare Part D prescription drug program, according to a new health care poll, and a trio of policy analysts whose views range from right-leaning to centrist said Wednesday that lawmakers should not change it. Representatives of the Healthcare Leadership Council, the Galen Institute and The Third Way said that they hope lawmakers will not pass adjustments such as allowing the Department of Health and Human Services to negotiate drug prices with manufacturers, a process now done by companies administering the plans, or imposing rebates used in Medicaid on the Medicare drug program (Adams, 10/3).
Politico Pro: Survey: High Satisfaction With Medicare Part D
The debate may be raging over Medicare in the race for the White House — but a new survey points out that one part of it, Medicare Part D, has both positive results and bipartisan support. And health experts from Third Way, the Galen Institute and the Healthcare Leadership Council say the program's success means that during sequester negotiations lawmakers should keep their hands off the Medicare prescription drug benefit. David Kendall, senior fellow for health and fiscal policy at Third Way, said on a call with reporters that the Medicare prescription drug benefit was a key example of successful bipartisanship because it was "enacted by Republicans and perfected by Democrats" (Smith, 10/3).
Modern Healthcare: Polls Find Seniors Happy With Part D
Seniors are as satisfied with the Medicare drug program as they have been at any point in the past six years, according to an annual tracking poll (PDF). A national survey of 2,363 seniors found 90% are satisfied with their Medicare Part D coverage, which matches the previous highest satisfaction level found by the annual survey conducted since 2006 by Medicare Today and KRC Research. Medicare Today is a nonprofit advocacy group that provides educational information to Medicare beneficiaries (Daly, 10/3).