Today’s Selection Of Opinions And Editorials
Obama's Nontax Tax Wall Street Journal
It turns out the President thinks a health-care tax is not a tax if he thinks the tax is for your own good (9/21).
Let's Take A Long View On Costs, Budget Deficit The Tennessean
Among the many lessons from a summer of passionate town hall meetings is that Americans are concerned about the country's growing debt. And rightly so (Harold Ford Jr., 9/20).
A Political Idea Warp The Washington Post
It's time to cast aside the political shorthand and ideological pigeonholing that distort our debates over health care in particular and government's role in American life more broadly (E.J. Dionne Jr., 9/20).
Let's Dive Into A Healthcare Insurance Pool The Los Angeles Times
The employer-based system isn't working but would be preserved under the Senate reform proposal. It's time to try something new (David Lazarus, 9/20).
Reform Must Preserve Quality Care For Seniors Green Bay Press Gazette
Congress should stop and revise its current reform proposal, which makes deep cuts to Medicare funding of nursing home care - a move that will eliminate many local jobs and negatively impact the quality of care (Amy Kruzynske, 9/21).
Kill Subsidy For Medicare Advantage Plans Des Moines Register
It's not often Congress has an opportunity to cut a program and feel pretty darn good about it. But lawmakers have that opportunity now -- in health care, of all places. The taxpayer subsidies being paid to private Medicare Advantage plans should be eliminated (9/21).
Focus On Wellness The Los Angeles Times
Incentives to promote healthier lifestyles will have a greater effect than increasing medical 'preventive interventions' (William H. Frist, 9/20).
The Baucus Plan The Washington Post
It compares favorably with other health reform bills. But there are flaws (9/20).