Nonprofit Groups, With U.S. And British Backing, To Test Infecting Mosquitos With Bacteria
The experiment will take place in cities in Brazil and Colombia over two to three years. Also, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the Zika virus is in the U.S. to stay.
Experiment Plans To Release Bacteria-Bearing Mosquitoes At Large Scale
Two major philanthropic organizations, along with the United States and Britain, announced on Wednesday an ambitious experiment to combat mosquito-borne diseases in cities by infecting the insects with crafty bacteria. Researchers have used the bacteria, known as Wolbachia, in trials in places including Australia and Brazil in recent years. But those efforts were small, reaching areas with tens of thousands of residents. (Joseph, 10/26)
Zika May Be In The U.S. To Stay
Public health authorities and infectious disease specialists now say we may not be able to rid the U.S. of the Zika virus. Despite months of intense work — including house to house inspections and aggressive mosquito control — federal, state and local officials have not been able to stop the spread of Zika in Miami. In Miami on Tuesday, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Tom Frieden, delivered what he called the "plain truth" about Zika and the mosquitoes that carry it. "Zika and other diseases spread by Aedes aegypti," he said, "are really not controllable with current technologies." (Allen, 10/26)