Obama Vetoes Health Law Repeal, Says It Would ‘Reverse Significant Progress’
Republicans are claiming a victory, nonetheless, as they say it shows what could be possible if they take the White House in 2016.
The New York Times:
Obama Vetoes Bill To Repeal Health Law And End Planned Parenthood Funding
President Obama vetoed legislation Friday that would have repealed the Affordable Care Act and stripped all federal funds from Planned Parenthood, writing in his veto message that the measure would “reverse the significant progress we have made in improving health care in America.” Mr. Obama’s veto — only the eighth of his presidency — was expected, and his decision to issue a simple message without holding a public ceremony indicated that he did not wish to draw attention to the showdown. Republicans do not have the votes in the House or the Senate to override the veto. (Harris, 1/8)
NBC News:
President Obama Vetoes Health Care Repeal Bill
President Obama vetoed a bill Friday aimed at repealing his signature health care law.
"This legislation would not only repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act, but would reverse the significant progress we have made in improving health care in America," the president wrote members of the House in a letter. "Republicans in the Congress have attempted to repeal or undermine the Affordable Care Act over 50 times. Rather than refighting old political battles by once again voting to repeal basic protections that provide security for the middle class, members of Congress should be working together to grow the economy, strengthen middle-class families, and create new jobs," the letter continued. (1/8)
The Associated Press:
Obama Vetoes Bill To Repeal Signature Health Care Law
The veto was expected. But Republicans claimed victory nonetheless, arguing that they met two goals by finally passing a repeal bill: keeping a promise to voters in an election year, and showing that they are capable of repealing the law if a Republican wins November’s presidential election. All the GOP presidential candidates support repealing the law widely referred to as “Obamacare.” (Superville, 1/8)
Fox News:
Obama Vetoes Health Law Repeal Bill
As the next step, House Speaker Paul Ryan wants to work on a proposal to replace the health care law. “It clears the path to repealing this law with a Republican president in 2017 and replacing it with a truly patient-centered health care system,” he said. “We will not back down from this fight to defend the sanctity of life and make quality health care coverage achievable for all Americans.” (1/8)