Today’s Opinions: The Health Law’s ‘Semi-Versary’
Health Reform's Six-Month Checkup The Washington PostSix months after its enactment, there are two totally different stories to tell about the health-reform law. The public remains split on the law largely along traditional partisan lines (Drew Altman, 9/23).
Reform Act Puts Patients In Charge Of Health Care Houston Chronicle
Whether you agree or disagree with the idea of health care reform on the whole, polls currently indicate that Americans support the individual provisions included in the reform legislation. That's because the Affordable Care Act is designed to put you, not the health insurance companies, back in charge of your health care (Rep. Gene Green, 9/22).
Medicare Boosted Middle Class Miami Herald
With several key provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act taking effect Thursday, this is an ideal time to reflect on another seminal moment in healthcare history, the July day in 1965 when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law at the Truman Library in Independence, Mo. (Donna Shalala, 9/23).
Some Health Care Reform Benefits Finally Arrive The San Francisco Chronicle
The country's landmark health care bill has its six-month birthday today as the first set of benefits became law. But it's a lonely moment, with President Obama nearly alone touting the starting point as polls show that the country isn't sold on the package (9/23).
Children Face An Unfortunate Side Effect Of Health Reform Los Angeles Times
Some of [the health law] provisions take effect Thursday, providing more safeguards and benefits for consumers but also raising insurers' cost of doing business (9/23).
How Seniors Will Pay For ObamaCare The Wall Street Journal
The administration is strangely silent about who will bear the cost of these benefits. Search the government's own health-reform website and you'll get the idea that the whole thing is one big free lunch (John Goodman, 9/23).
Health Reform Starts Today To Help The 'Underinsured' The Richmond Times-Dispatch
Recognition has grown in recent years that many Americans who have a health insurance policy do not enjoy the benefits insurance is supposed to provide: access to medical care and security from financial distress (Timothy Jost, 9/23).