Today’s Opinions And Editorials
Now Is The Time For Latinas To Speak Up The Houston ChronicleSometimes, if constituents lead, the leaders will follow. And that's why, at this moment, the voices of Latinas in Texas need to be at the forefront of this debate (Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas, 1/4).
How To Fix The Doctor Shortage The Wall Street Journal
Because it takes so long to train a new physician, Congress must lift the freeze on support for medical training now, as part of health-care reform (Darrell G. Kirch, 1/5).
Long-Term Care, The Other New Entitlement The San Francisco Chronicle
Some call it a "death spiral" - higher premiums chase away healthy consumers and remaining customers drive prices ever upward. CLASS could be the next new unsolvable headache my generation passes on to the next (Debra J. Saunders, 1/5).
Practical Health Care Cost Controls Elude Congress The St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Congress is not applying a business-like approach. It knows it wants to expand coverage and control costs. It knows where to look for revenue and what program budgets to cut. But these are matters of master strategy. No one seems to want to get their hands dirty and talk about tactics (Terry Mason, 1/5).
The Cornhusker Pushback The Wall Street Journal
The only state that gains from special treatment for Nebraska is Nebraska-and this actively harms all other states, which will have fewer tax dollars for their own priorities while effectively subsidizing the Cornhusker state (1/5). This is part of the Morning Briefing, a summary of health policy coverage from major news organizations. Sign up for an email subscription.