Today’s Opinions And Editorials
We Need A New Women's Health Movement Los Angeles TimesOnce upon a time, grass-roots women challenged the establishment by figuratively burning their bras. Now, in some masochistic perversion of feminism, they are raising their voices to yell, "Squeeze our breasts!" (Barbara Ehrenreich, 12/2).
Preventive Health Care A Must At Any Age Atlanta Journal Constitution
A preventive approach is necessary at any age to maintain good health, but many people are often in the dark about what that involves (Jennifer Preyss, 12/1).
Is Abortion Worth Fighting For? The San Jose Mercury News
Back in May, I pushed for a civil dialogue on abortion. Now I fear that in our effort to be civil, the majority who support abortion rights give the impression that we don't care (Patty Fisher, 12/2).
Government Shouldn't Answer The Abortion Question The Christian Science Monitor
As the Senate debates healthcare reform this week, abortion confronts us like an unwanted pregnancy itself. Most of us wish it would just go away. But there is a solution, if we focus on the right question: how to get government out of the issue entirely (Mark Lange, 12/1).
Waffling Democrats' Healthcare Hypocrisy The Nation
They all oppose a public option in healthcare reform, but each is nevertheless a fervent advocate of socialized medicine. How can Senate watchers make sense of this ideological contradiction? (Peter Dreier, 12/1).
ObamaCare At Any Cost The Wall Street Journal
We have now reached the stage of the health-care debate when all that matters is getting a bill passed, so all news is good news, more subsidies mean lower deficits, and more expensive insurance is really cheaper insurance. The nonpolitical mind reels (12/2).
Reform's Success Could Boost Faith In Liberalism Politico
This debate is happening in a post-Ted Kennedy age and could be an acid test for the future of American liberalism. Since President Barack Obama's election, signs suggest that a rising progressive majority has not yet been constructed (Matthew Dallek, 12/2). This is part of the Morning Briefing, a summary of health policy coverage from major news organizations. Sign up for an email subscription.