Today’s Opinions and Editorials
Let's Work On Drug Costs And Premiums U.S. News & World Report
Face it: Since most of the uninsured fall into the relatively healthy under-40 group, the current bills will force tens of millions of Americans to overpay for coverage, a juicy deal for insurers but not for anyone else (Bernadine Healy, 2/2).
Time To Fix How Medicare Pays For Care St. Louis Post Dispatch/The Houston Chronicle
Congress long ago discovered a great way to control Medicare spending - at least on paper. It sets spending targets. If they're not met, fees paid to doctors, hospitals and nursing homes automatically are cut. Or at least they're supposed to be (2/2).
Congress Or No Congress, Change Is Ahead For Health Care Dallas Morning News
In the 12 months ending in November 2009, medical care costs in the Dallas-Fort Worth area rose 12.3 percent. This is why Dallas health care providers, insurers and employers are discussing ways to bend the cost curve (Jim Landers, 2/2).
Health Care And Jobs The Providence Journal
Health care is a big problem for jobs. The increasingly costly and chaotic health-care 'system' severely hurts employment (2/2).
Mandates Are Bad For Your Health The Tampa Tribune
If the slow bludgeoning of ObamaCare to (presumed) death has taught us anything, however, it is to be skeptical of lawmakers brandishing health care mandates (Tom Jackson, 2/3).
Health Care's New Hidden Danger Fortune
Fortunately, America can avoid that "death spiral" and still insure patients for pre-existing conditions. One solution is fully portable insurance policies that allow workers to buy policies across state lines from states that don't require Community Rating and Guaranteed Issue (Shawn Tully, 2/2)
Prognosis Negative Newsweek
Young people are the group most likely to be uninsured-and to support healthcare reform. If Democrats don't deliver it, they may stay home in November (Jesse Singal, 2/2).