Perspectives: Lessons On Strategies Preventing Legal Abortions; Make HPV Vaccine Part Of Mandatory Childhood Schedule
Opinion writers express views on several women's health issues.
Los Angeles Times:
A Texas Abortion Procedure Ban Is Unnecessary, Full Of Theatrics And Harmful To Women
The Texas state Legislature has been relentless in its efforts to stop women from exercising their legal right to an abortion. When the Supreme Court tossed out the state’s onerous requirements for abortion clinics and providers in 2016, the statehouse just kept churning out other restrictions, both absurd (such as the requirement that fetal remains be buried or cremated, which has also been struck down) and serious. The 5th Circuit should see a restriction on this common and safe second-trimester procedure as onerous and unlawful, and uphold the injunction. (11/12)
USA Today:
US Can Eradicate Cervical Cancer Like Australia By Requiring HPV Vaccine
Researchers announced last month that thanks to a compulsory vaccine program, Australia is on track to eradicate cervical cancer. This is due to almost universal vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV), a virus which isresponsible for 90 percent of cervical cancers. The vaccine itself is a medical breakthrough and has only been available for use since 2006. In just 12 short years, cervical cancer is becoming a rarity in Australia and will eventually be eliminated, saving thousands of Australians’ lives. (Terry Gallagher, 11/12)
Boston Globe:
More Than 7 Million Women In America Struggle With Infertility. Michelle Obama And Gabrielle Union Are Among Them
Womanhood and motherhood are bound together so tightly, women are expected to reproduce as easily as they breathe. And we’re choking on the myth. According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 7 million women in America struggle with infertility. Michelle Obama and Gabrielle Union are among them. So when the former first lady and the actress each shared their difficult paths to parenthood last week, the conversation went viral. (Jenee Osterheldt, 11/11)
The Hill:
Reproductive Services Are A Key Component To Health Of Latina Women
Halfway through Trump’s first term, on the heels of the recent confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court and with the increased xenophobic rhetoric all around us, many Latinx voters are galvanized to engage in a political system. They're motivated by the fact that their very basic rights are threatened, namely, access to health care, reproductive freedom and immigrant rights. (Ann Marie Benitez, 11/ 11)