Rhode Island’s Medicaid Director Resigns
In other Medicaid news, Texas' Medicaid fraud detection system faces scrutiny.
Providence Journal:
Top Medicaid Official In R.I. Resigning
With Governor Raimondo's administration in the midst of its Reinventing Medicaid initiative to realize $70 million in savings in the coming year, the state's top Medicaid official has announced that she is resigning. Medicaid Director Deidre Gifford is leaving the $124,165 job she has held for more than a year at the end of October. Gifford plans to seek career opportunities in Washington, D.C., where her husband, former state health director David Gifford, works for the American Health Care Association. (Salit, 9/29)
The Associated Press:
Emails Show Complaints About Medicaid Fraud Detection System
Former Texas health official Jack Stick tried to persuade dozens of other states to buy Austin technology company 21CT's Medicaid fraud detection system even as he privately complained that the results it produced for Texas were worth "a bucket of warm spit," according to his email messages. (Rosenthal, 9/29)