For Mitt Romney, Another Voice Adds To The Criticisms Of Mass. Health Plan
The Boston Globe: Ryan Criticizes Romney On Health Care
A top congressional Republican this morning tweaked Mitt Romney for his health care plan in Massachusetts, further illustrating the primary challenge Romney faces in his expected presidential bid. Representative Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican and chairman of the House Budget Committee, criticized the Massachusetts health care plan by comparing it to President Obama's national plan. "It's not that dissimilar to ObamaCare," he reportedly said at a breakfast this morning. "And you probably know I'm not a big fan of ObamaCare" (Viser, 3/2).
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A top congressional Republican this morning tweaked Mitt Romney for his health care plan in Massachusetts, further illustrating the primary challenge Romney faces in his expected presidential bid. Representative Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican and chairman of the House Budget Committee, criticized the Massachusetts health care plan by comparing it to President Obama's national plan. "It's not that dissimilar to ObamaCare," he reportedly said at a breakfast this morning. "And you probably know I'm not a big fan of ObamaCare" (Viser, 3/2).