Ryan Says His Budget Will Protect Seniors
USA Today: Ryan Touts GOP Budget
(Rep. Paul) Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, said [in the Republican weekly address] the GOP budget will reform the tax code and protect such programs as education and Medicare (Jackson, 4/28).
The Hill: Ryan Touts Budget As Way 'To Save The American Dream'
He said the plan would also promote energy exploration in the U.S. to curb rising gas prices and would help senior citizens by repealing Obama's health care law. "Repealing the president's health care law would also protect America's seniors," said Ryan. "The law raids over $500 billion from Medicare and empowers a board of 15 unelected bureaucrats to cut Medicare in ways that would deny seniors access to the care they need." ... Ryan's budget would cut more than $5 trillion more than President Obama's proposal, reduce spending in 2013 and 2014 compared to 2012, and revive his proposal last year to turn Medicare into a health insurance supplement program for anyone younger than 55. Democrats say the Ryan budget would essentially end the Medicare guarantee (Yager, 4/28).