Stress From Election Results Taking Physiological Toll On Americans
Doctors have seen an increase in stress-related symptoms at higher levels than even after the 9/11 attacks.
Expert's Coping Tips: The Election Is Over But The Stress Is Not
Experts often describe stress as a "fight or flight" response, explaining that your body is reacting as it would if you were being chased by a lion: heightened heart rate, hormones, brain chemicals. Well, if you're a Hillary Clinton supporter who has been stressing out for the last few weeks about the tight presidential race, it's kind of like the lion just got you. And if you're a Donald Trump supporter, you may be gratified by his victory, but still deeply distressed by the division among your countrypeople and your loved ones. So how do you cope — at the level of personal health, rather than politics? (Goldberg, 11/11)
Sacramento Bee:
Sacramento Teachers Report Rise In Fear, Bullying Among Children After Donald Trump Is Elected President
Teachers in schools across the nation have had an unexpected new task this week, assuaging the fear of students from immigrant and minority families who believe they will be deported or bullied because Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. They also have had to quash an uptick in racist sentiment from students emboldened by the election. (Lambert, 11/11)