Trump, A Self-Avowed Dealmaker, Faces High Stakes In Outcome Of Friday’s House Vote
As the GOP health plan became mired in intense negotiations this week, the ability to secure the measure is increasingly viewed as a major test for President Donald Trump. Meanwhile, news outlets also report that the process has caused him doubts about choosing to pursue Obamacare replacement as first item on his agenda.
The New York Times:
Trump The Dealmaker Projects Bravado, But Behind The Scenes, Faces Rare Self-Doubt
President Trump, the author of “The Art of the Deal,” has been projecting his usual bravado in public this week about the prospects of repealing the Affordable Care Act. Privately he is grappling with rare bouts of self-doubt. Mr. Trump has told four people close to him that he regrets going along with Speaker Paul D. Ryan’s plan to push a health care overhaul before unveiling a tax cut proposal more politically palatable to Republicans. (Thrush and Haberman, 3/23)
The Wall Street Journal:
Health Vote’s Outcome Carries High Stakes For Trump Presidency
The health-care bill now stalled in Congress is proving an early test of whether the deal-making skills that made President Donald Trump rich in the business world will also work in the legislative realm, where lawmakers face competing pressures and require different sorts of incentives to reach agreement. (Nicholas, Lee and Radnofsky, 3/23)
Delayed Vote A Setback For Trump The Dealmaker
Most Republicans appeared comfortable with the delay, taking the lumps of a single negative news cycle, so long as the legislation eventually passes. But some worried that if Trump can’t muscle the first major bill he’s backed through a single chamber in a Republican-controlled Congress, it could devastate his agenda and weaken his authority moving forward. “This is a reputational deal,” said Scott Reed, the chief strategist for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “We have a lot riding on this.” (Goldmacher, Dawsey and Palmeri, 3/23)
The Hill:
Report: Trump Regrets Backing Health Plan Before Pushing For Tax Reform
President Donald Trump regrets throwing his support behind Speaker Paul Ryan’s healthcare proposal before his administration could propose a tax reform plan that more Republicans would favor, according to a Thursday New York Times report. Trump reportedly questioned his decision to several allies, saying he should’ve prioritized tax reform after seeing the immediate Republican fallout from the GOP healthcare proposal. (Beavers, 3/23)