Today’s Selection Of Opinions And Editorials
Of NICE And Men Wall Street JournalIn the United Kingdom, which is often praised for spending as little as half as much per capita on health care as the U.S. credit for this cost containment goes in large part to the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, or NICE. What NICE has become in practice is a rationing board (7/7).
Financing Health Care Reform New York Times
Our preference would be to extract savings from the bloated, inefficient health care system - but also to raise revenues from a wider pool, preferably from well-to-do Americans who could be taxed more for a badly needed reform that would benefit all Americans (7/6).
Healthcare Reform Scares Los Angeles Times
Could healthcare reform be the next big drive-'em-to-the-polls wedge issue? Conservatives in some states think so -- witness the anti-Obamacare referendum that the Republican-controlled Arizona legislature recently approved (7/6).
Health-care Reform For Kids Arizona Republic
Health-care reform is a complex issue in which the stakes are high. Most Americans who have entered the debate agree that we want medical care to be more affordable for working families and small businesses. But there's a group of Americans whose voice hasn't been heard - our children (Meyer, 7/7).
Insurance Access In America Doesn't Mean Care Access Idaho Press-Tribune
As many people living in rural Idaho know first-hand, having health insurance does not guarantee access to health care. In many areas in Idaho, there is not even one full-time practicing physician. Thirty-five of the 44 counties in Idaho have federal designations as either medically underserved areas or have medically underserved populations (7/7).
The Choices Ahead For Health Care News & Observer
The most important lesson is that every country which has achieved the goals of financial security and access to care has had to give up something (Harris, 7/7). This is part of the Morning Briefing, a summary of health policy coverage from major news organizations. Sign up for an email subscription.