Today’s Opinions And Editorials
Why We Need A Strong Individual Mandate The Wall Street JournalOtherwise, health insurance will cost everyone more (Janet Trautwein, 11/10).
Social Medicine The New York Times
"Traditional" infectious diseases - those, like flu and tuberculosis, that are caused by viruses or bacteria - are not the only aspects of health that can spread from one person to another. Taking up smoking is contagious; so is quitting. Obesity is contagious. So is happiness (Olivia Judson, 11/10).
Health Cooperatives: A Fast Lane To Nationalized Health Care Christian Science Monitor
Of the 1,990 pages in the healthcare reform bill passed by Congress Saturday night, page 206 is especially touted and little understood (David C. Rose, 11/10).
The Do-Nothing Senate The Washington Post
Now health care goes to the Senate. The world's greatest deliberative body. The other side of Capitol Hill. Dithering Heights (Harold Meyerson, 11/11).
How To Control Rising Health Care Costs The New York Times
We asked some experts what are one or two provisions not in the bills that could help contain health care costs going forward? (11/10).
Sean Hannity Uses Glenn Beck's Protest Footage The Daily Show
Sean Hannity uses footage of Glenn Beck's bigger protest to make the GOP's
health care rally appear more heavily attended (11/10). This is part of the Morning Briefing, a summary of health policy coverage from major news organizations. Sign up for an email subscription.