Latest KFF Health News Stories
Congress Told HHS to Set Up a Health Data Network in 2006. The Agency Still Hasn’t.
Since 2006, federal officials have been charged with setting up a network to let various parts of the U.S. health system share information during emergencies. It still hasn’t been built or even planned, even after the communication and data-sharing failures put on display during the pandemic.
‘The Country Is Watching’: California Homeless Crisis Looms as Gov. Newsom Eyes Political Future
As Gov. Gavin Newsom enters his second term, his legacy as governor and path forward in the Democratic Party hinge on his making visible headway on California’s homeless crisis. We lay out the possibilities — and challenges — as he unleashes an $18 billion battle plan.
Community Resurrects Colorado Birth Center Closed by Private Equity Firm
A private equity firm bought a birth center and then shut it down. The community brought it back as a nonprofit.
Centene Agrees to $215 Million Settlement With California for Alleged Medicaid Overbilling
The nation’s largest Medicaid insurer denies wrongdoing after the California attorney general’s office investigated it for inflating prescription drug costs.
Políticas de salud fueron tema prominente en el discurso del Estado de la Unión de Biden
A diferencia de sus discursos anteriores, éste fue a Cámara llena, y sin limitaciones por covid-19. Y los legisladores en la audiencia, tanto partidarios como opositores, parecían estar de un humor estridente.
Health Policies Were a Prominent Theme in Biden’s State of the Union Speech
Our partners at PolitiFact fact-checked a range of President Joe Biden’s statements, including key health-related comments.
‘We Ain’t Gonna Get It’: Why Bernie Sanders Says His ‘Medicare for All’ Dream Must Wait
As he takes the reins of the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee, the independent from Vermont and implacable champion of “Medicare for All” maps out his strategy for negotiating with Republicans — and Big Pharma.
More Young Colorado Children Are Consuming Marijuana Despite Efforts to Stop Them
Lawmakers say they don’t plan to revise state regulations on the sale of edibles despite more kids 5 and under ingesting them.
The Pill Club Reaches $18.3 Million Medicaid Fraud Settlement With California
The online women’s pharmacy agreed to pay $15 million to the state Department of Justice and $3.3 million to the Department of Insurance over claims it overbilled Medi-Cal.
Un arma secreta para prevenir la próxima pandemia: los murciélagos frugívoros
En Montana, investigarán cómo los murciélagos de la fruta, albergan virus que, bajo determinadas condiciones del medio ambiente, pueden pasar a los seres humanos.
A Secret Weapon in Preventing the Next Pandemic: Fruit Bats
New research links habitat destruction with the spillover of viruses from animals to humans.
Decisions by CVS and Optum Panicked Thousands of Their Sickest Patients
Pharmacy closures by two of the biggest home infusion companies point to grave shortages and dangers for patients who require IV nutrition to survive.
Por un tecnicismo, niños necesitados podrían no tener acceso a vacunas contra el VRS
El virus respiratorio sincitial afecta a bebés de todas las clases sociales, pero tiende a perjudicar más a los hogares pobres y hacinados
A Technicality Could Keep RSV Shots From Kids in Need
The Vaccines for Children program, which buys more than half the pediatric vaccines in the U.S., may not cover the RSV shot for babies because it’s not technically a vaccine.
Why Two States Remain Holdouts on Distracted Driving Laws
Missouri and Montana are the only states without distracted driving laws for all drivers. With traffic fatalities rising significantly nationwide, some Missouri lawmakers and advocates for roadway safety are eyeing bills in the new legislative session that would crack down on texting while driving in the Show Me State.
Journalists Probe Problems in Providing Care for Foster Kids and Propping Up Addiction Treatment
KHN and California Healthline staff made the rounds on national and local media this week to discuss their stories. Here’s a collection of their appearances.
Inmigrantes pueden cubrir la brecha de escasez de personal para cuidados de largo plazo
Estados Unidos se enfrenta a una crisis, cada vez mayor, de falta de personal que pone en peligro la seguridad de los mayores más frágiles en las residencias. En un mercado laboral en el que abundan las opciones de trabajo, los cuidados de larga duración, mal pagados y físicamente exigentes, son difíciles de vender.
Montana Lawmakers Seek More Information About Governor’s HEART Fund
Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte’s Healing and Ending Addiction Through Recovery and Treatment fund has spent $5.2 million since 2021. With a proposed increase, providers and lawmakers alike want to tap into the money.
As Long-Term Care Staffing Crisis Worsens, Immigrants Can Bridge the Gaps
The industry has long relied on immigrants to bolster its ranks, and they’ll be critical to meeting future staffing needs, experts say. But as the baby boom generation fills beds, policymakers are slow to open new pathways for foreign workers.
Millones en riesgo de perder Medicaid, mientras terminan protecciones por la pandemia
Los estados se están preparando para remover a millones de personas de Medicaid, a medida que expiran las protecciones que se implementaron al comienzo de la pandemia de covid-19.