Andrew Villegas

Andrew Villegas was a web editor for KFF Health News until 2016.


New Poll By Health Advocacy Groups Highlights Concerns About Current Insurance System

KFF Health News Original

More than three quarters of Americans older than age 50 have concerns that the insurance system as it stands now will not be able to continue to pay for medical treatment for them or that of someone they know, according to a poll released Wednesday by the AARP, the American Medical Association and the American Nurses Association.

An Actuary’s Role In Health Reform: Making Health Reform Viable

KFF Health News Original

All our actions have consequences.

It seems to be what’s missing often from debate, especially around such emotionally-charged arguments as the health care reform debate, but actuaries deal in repercussions, moving behind the scenes, analyzing risk and the future and what health care reform will actually mean for America 5, 10 or 20 years from now.