From Syria To Southern California: Refugees Seek Care For Wounds Of War
A clinic in El Cajon, Calif., treats patients recovering from anything from gunshot wounds to PTSD and anxiety about family left behind.
Preocupa falta de control sobre la donación de leche materna
Un número cada vez mayor de mujeres que producen más leche materna de la que necesitan la donan, o venden. Es una bendición para los bebés y madres que no pueden producir suficiente leche, pero también plantea cuestiones éticas y de salud pública controversiales.
Going For $1 An Ounce: The Burgeoning Trade In Mothers’ Milk
As a fountain of nonprofit milk banks emerge, one woman’s abundant supply can fill another’s yawning demand. But critics fear that poor women will sell start selling their milk for survival, depriving their own babies of vital nutrients.
California’s Community Clinics, Big ACA Beneficiaries, Worry About Their Future
A flow of Medi-Cal expansion dollars — and patients — has fueled significant growth, making clinics in California one of the linchpins of primary care under Obamacare.
“Más en paz”: intérpretes, clave para facilitar los últimos días de los pacientes
Para los hispanos que no hablan inglés y que enfrentan una enfermedad terminal, los intérpretes en hospitales son clave para ayudarlos a comprender el proceso que están viviendo.
‘More At Peace’: Interpreters Key To Easing Patients’ Final Days
But more training is needed for such translators to do their jobs well, without miscommunications and misunderstandings.
Licensing Logjam For California Nurses
A big backlog of applications at the state’s licensing board is holding up hiring by hospitals and making it difficult for recent nurse graduates — and experienced nurses from out of state — to work.