Jaclyn Schiff

Checking In With Consumer Union’s Jim Guest

KFF Health News Original

Consumers Union added its voice to the congressional health care debate by airing a 30-second television ad supporting reform. Although the group is known for taking public positions on consumer products and services, it has never before broadcast a television commercial on a public policy question. KHN talked to the group’s president and CEO about the decision to air the ad as well as the results from a recent telephone survey the organization conducted.

Insurance Agents Look Into The Future, See Uncertainty And “Opportunity”

KFF Health News Original

For the tens of thousands of individual insurance agents nationwide, proposed changes to the health care system could radically alter how they do business.
In interviews, two agents talk about how they are bracing themselves for the post-reform environment. One thinks her fellow agents are too complacent, the other says “in every adversity, there is opportunity.”