Jenny Gold

Some Small Businesses See Burden In “Cadillac” Tax

KFF Health News Original

A proposed tax on high-cost insurance plans could make it more difficult for small businesses to purchase health coverage. Even though many businesses don’t offer rich benefits, their plans may be costly because the covered employees are predominantly older, sicker or female, three categories that currently result in higher premiums. Other provisions in health overall legislation could mitigate the impact of the tax, however.

Many Still Hope For Insurance Reform

KFF Health News Original

Some lawmakers are considering a scaled-back health bill in place of the comprehensive legislation now stalled in Congress. But there’s debate about whether popular insurance reforms, such as requiring insurers to accept applicants with health problems, can be successful without an unpopular individual insurance mandate.

The ‘Underinsurance’ Problem Explained

KFF Health News Original

At least 25 million Americans are underinsured – their health benefits don’t adequately cover their health costs. The major proposals being debated in Congress would require insurers to provide a minimum set of benefits, which would take care of most patients’ needs.

Coming To A Doctor’s Office Near You: Photo ID Check

KFF Health News Original

The little-known crime of medical identity theft can cause havoc – victims end up with big bills and wrong medical records. A new federal “Red Flags Rule” would require physician offices, among other businesses, to spot phony IDs. Doctors protest that the regulation could have “serious adverse consequences” for patients, even as the government tries to protect them.

The $64,000 Question: Can Health Care Be Paid For Without Breaking the Bank?

KFF Health News Original

Democrats in Congress, surprised by the high cost estimates for their health care proposals, are looking at a wide range of options for raising money and reducing costs. Some of the revenue raisers have been rejected in previous years, but now all ideas are on the table because of the big amounts needed to pay for a health care overhaul.