Check Your Medical Records For Dangerous Errors
Medical records often contain incorrect information that can lead to inappropriate medical treatment. Patients need to review them on a regular basis and correct any errors that creep in.
At Death’s Door, Shedding Light On How To Live
When you learn you have a terminal illness, how do you live with purpose and authenticity?
In Days Of Data Galore, Patients Have Trouble Getting Own Medical Records
Federal law guarantees that people have the right to see and obtain a copy of their medical records. But, hospitals, doctors, pharmacies and insurance companies often erect obstacles.
Will Maine Voters Decide To Make Aging In Place Affordable?
A ballot initiative in Maine proposes that free home care services be available to all residents who need help with at least “one daily activity.”
Without Safety Net Of Kids Or Spouse, ‘Elder Orphans’ Need Fearless Fallback Plan
Older adults who lack a conventional support system should plan ahead to deal with life’s predictable challenges as they age.
Assisted Living Kicks Out The Frail ’Cause ‘We Can’t Take Care Of You Any Longer’
Is there anything families can do to fight these evictions?
Crear rituales para honrar a los muertos en los centros de vida asistida
Nuevos programas de ayuda abordan un problema pocas veces tratado: el dolor de amigos de residencia y personal cuando muere un adulto mayor en un centro de vida asistida.
Creating Rituals To Honor The Dead At Long-Term Care Facilities
Death and its companion, grief, are often ignored at nursing homes and assisted living centers. Yet ignoring the loss can lead to depression, staff burnout and other problems.
La última sorpresa de la vida: adultos mayores que deben cuidar de sus padres
Con tratamientos médicos que prolongan cada vez más la vida, un nuevo escenario genera preguntas: adultos mayores de 60 o 70 años que deben atender a sus padres nonagenarios.
A Late-Life Surprise: Taking Care Of Frail, Aging Parents
More and more older adults, age 60 and older, care for their elderly parents and face physical, emotional and financial stress.
Cómo aprender a vivir bien con demencia
Dos expertas ofrecen estrategias y cambios simples para poder transitar esta etapa de la vida del ser querido protegiéndolo y ayudando a todo el entorno familiar.
Learning To Live Well With Dementia
Two leading experts on caring for people with Alzheimer’s offer ways to make life better for patients and their caregivers.
No Gaps In Understanding: Here’s Your Primer On Medigap Coverage
Seniors often don’t realize that private insurers are required to offer Medigap policies, or supplemental insurance, only when people first sign up for Medicare.
El toque humano en un hospital: por qué importa que los médicos sean compasivos
La actitud de los médicos al momento de hablar de temas difíciles como el final de la vida pueden hacer la diferencia en la calidad de vida del paciente y las preocupaciones de la familia.
A Hospital’s Human Touch: Why Taking Care In Discharging A Patient Matters
Patients and caregivers often feel abandoned and lose trust in health care professionals when they sense a lack of caring during transitions. With it, they feel better able to handle concerns and act on their doctors’ recommendations.
Geriatric Assessments Could Fine-Tune Cancer Care For Older Adults
The American Society of Clinical Oncology issued a new guideline that recommends adults 65 and older receive a geriatric assessment when considering or undergoing chemotherapy.
Resucitar o no resucitar: cómo evitar errores con los testamentos en vida
Expertos aseguran que los malentendidos que provocan documentos destinados a guiar la toma de decisiones al final de la vida son “sorprendentemente comunes”.
That ‘Living Will’ You Signed? At The ER, It Could Be Open To Interpretation.
End-of-life documents express your preferences for care but may not be binding medical orders. Here’s how to better prepare for the unexpected — that your last wishes won’t be carried out.
Dodging Dementia: More Of Us Get At Least A Dozen Good, Happy Years After 65
With longer lives and lower rates of dementia, most seniors are enjoying more years of life with good cognition — a welcome trend.
La mayoría de los adultos mayores tienen una larga “esperanza de vida cognitiva”
Nuevos estudios revelan que las funciones cognitivas perduran saludables más de una década después de cumplir los 65, esquivando a la demencia.