Is Trump Pushing Health Insurance Innovation Or An ACA Rollback?
The Trump administration offered states specific examples of how they could change the way they implement the Affordable Care Act. Critics say it could drive up premiums for many.
High Stakes, Entrenched Interests And The Trump Rollback Of Environmental Regs
The administration asserts its deregulation strategy will create jobs, empower states and reduce the burden of government restrictions on the energy industry. But critics see it as a threat to public health.
With One Hand, Administration Boosts ACA Marketplaces, Weakens Them With Another
The Trump administration gives states more flexibility to get around the health law’s requirements for insurance plans. But at the same time it wants employers to move millions of workers to the insurance exchanges.
Marketplace Subsidies May Be Option In 2020 For Plans That Skirt Obamacare
The new guidance allows states to ask for waivers from provisions in the Affordable Care Act governing not only subsidies, but also the benefits insurers must offer in all their plans.
Subsidios del mercado se podrían usar para planes que no cumplen con el Obamacare
Los estados podrían utilizar fondos federales para otorgar subsidios a las personas que compran planes de salud de corto plazo, bajo una nueva de la administración Trump.
Obamacare Premiums Dip For First Time. Some Call It A Correction.
The Trump administration announces that the average price for insurance offered to people buying their own coverage on federal exchanges is going down.
Blood, Sweat And Workplace Wellness: Where To Draw The Line On Incentives
Uncertainty over federal standards for these cost-saving programs could trigger different perks for employees and change what they must do to qualify.
El remedio para las cuentas médicas sorpresa puede estar en una ley federal
A partir de un caso reportado por Kaiser Health News, expertos analizan la posibilidad de que una ley federal sea el comienzo para solucionar las tremendas cuentas sorpresa.
The Remedy For Surprise Medical Bills May Lie In Stitching Up Federal Law
The wide-ranging law has the potential to blindside many consumers whose health care comes from company and union health plans that are “self-funded,” meaning they pay claims out of their own funds.
Energy-Hog Hospitals: When They Start Thinking Green, They See Green
Some hospitals have taken steps to be more energy-efficient. Though at times these changes barely represent rounding errors in their budgets, comprehensive efforts are beginning to make a difference.
Advances In Treating Hep C Lead To New Option For Transplant Patients
The opioid epidemic has increased the number of donated organs. Until recently, though, organs from donors who died of drug overdoses were often discarded because an estimated 30 percent of them were infected with hepatitis C.
Sospechas de fraude al Medicare y riesgos por cremas para el dolor preparadas en farmacias
En total, 547 farmacias (casi el 23% de las que envían la mayoría de las facturas a Medicare por hacer estas cremas) recibieron uno o más de las cinco alertas rojas establecidas por los investigadores.
Pharmacy-Made Pain Creams Flagged On Fears Of Medicare Fraud And Risk
Inspector general identifies possible problems in nearly 23 percent of pharmacies that bill Medicare for blended creams, gels and lotions.
La administración Trump facilita aún más la venta de planes de salud de corto plazo
Estos planes son más económicos pero su cobertura es mínima, y no cumplen con las protecciones establecidas por la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible (ACA).
Trump Administration Loosens Restrictions On Short-Term Health Plans
The administration says these plans, which can now last as long as 12 months and be renewed for two years, will give consumers another less-pricey insurance option. Critics say the new rule is yet another swipe at the Affordable Care Act.
Doling Out Pain Pills Post-Surgery: An Ingrown Toenail Not The Same As A Bypass
As the opioid epidemic rages, a Johns Hopkins surgeon and researcher is leading an effort to curb overprescribing by offering procedure-specific guidelines to ensure that post-surgical patients leave the hospital with enough, but not too much, pain medication.
‘Holy Cow’ Moment Changes How Montana’s State Health Plan Does Business
Other states are watching to see if controlling how much hospitals get paid can continue to hold down costs in “Big Sky Country.”
Administration Eases Way For Small Businesses To Buy Insurance In Bulk
The Trump administration issued the final rule on association health plans, which supporters say will make coverage more affordable for some employees but led others to warn about “junk insurance.”
Administration Challenges ACA’s Preexisting Conditions Protection In Court
The Trump administration is arguing that since Congress is repealing the penalty for not having insurance, the federal health law’s protection for people who have illnesses is unconstitutional.
How The Farm Bill Could Erode Part Of The ACA
A provision of this massive legislation would provide funding to help agricultural groups set up association health plans — a longtime GOP-favored mechanism to reduce health insurance costs for small groups.