Julie Appleby

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Report: Most States Do A Poor Job Informing Consumers About Physician Quality

KFF Health News Original

When it comes to providing consumers with easily accessible information about physician quality, a report out today gave most states grades of ‘D’ or ‘F,’ often because they compile data only about primary care doctors, not specialists. Washington state and Minnesota were the only states that got an A from the Health Care Incentives Improvement Institute, a […]

8 Senate Democrats Seek Obamacare Enrollment ‘Alternative’

KFF Health News Original

Eight Senate Democrats — including key leadership member Charles Schumer of New York — told the Obama administration Monday that they “continue to be troubled by the ongoing technical difficulties” with  healthcare.gov and want an alternative way for insurers and web-based brokers to enroll subsidy-eligible consumers. “There are long-term advantages to providing Americans multiple ways […]