Si la Corte Suprema revoca Roe vs Wade, 22 estados podrían prohibir el aborto
La elección del presidente Donald Trump de un juez conservador como candidato a la Corte Suprema podría cambiar el mapa del aborto en el país.
Trump’s Next High Court Pick Likely To Target Abortion. Is That What The Public Wants?
Findings from a new poll build on other recent surveys to suggest that Americans might not want the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, but opinions vary when examined by party affiliation.
Gawande’s Goal Is Providing The ‘Right’ Health Care In New Venture By 3 Firms
The surgeon and writer has been named to head a project by Amazon, Bershire-Hathway and JP Morgan to reduce health costs. He said he wants to help doctors “do the right thing” in delivering care.
Administration Challenges ACA’s Preexisting Conditions Protection In Court
The Trump administration is arguing that since Congress is repealing the penalty for not having insurance, the federal health law’s protection for people who have illnesses is unconstitutional.
HHS To Allow Insurers’ Workaround On 2019 Prices
Many states instituted the technique known as “silver loading” this year after President Donald Trump cut federal payments to insurers. But some conservatives objected because it meant the cost of premium subsides for the federal government went up.
Trump Proposes Cutting Planned Parenthood Funds. What Does That Mean?
The Trump administration is pulling out an old regulation that it believes will be able to meet a key conservative goal: withholding some federal funding for Planned Parenthood in the government’s family planning program.
Por qué Trump quiere quitarle fondos a Planned Parenthood
La reactivación de una norma que data de la presidencia de Ronald Reagan podría ayudar al presidente a cumplir su promesa de campaña de “cancelar” Planned Parenthood.
Consumers Brace For Premium Hikes While Lawmakers Grasp At Remedies
Health insurers’ initial premium requests indicate stiff price hikes for consumers, just as bipartisan talks in Congress fall flat.
Timeline: Despite GOP’s Failure To Repeal Obamacare, The ACA Has Changed
A look at the most consequential events that have reshaped the federal health law since President Donald Trump was inaugurated.
Clash Over Abortion Hobbles A Health Bill. Again. Here’s How.
As Congress considers a bipartisan bill to help hold down premium prices on the health law’s marketplaces, a long-standing fight over abortion reappears.
Congress Races The Clock In Quest To Bring Stability To Individual Insurance Market
Bipartisan efforts on Capitol Hill seek to help keep premium prices from rising out of control and undermining the policies available to people who don’t get insurance through work.
Bipartisan Senate Budget Deal Boosts Health Programs
The agreement would add $2 billion to the National Institutes of Health and fund community health centers around the country. But it does not include provisions to help stabilize the federal health law’s marketplaces.
CHIP Renewed For Six Years As Congress Votes To Reopen Federal Government
Funding for CHIP technically expired Oct. 1. Although both Democrats and Republicans said they wanted to continue the program, they could not agree on how to fund it.
In Trump’s First Year, Anti-Abortion Forces Make Strides Despite Setbacks
As a candidate, the president promised a ban on abortions that take place after 20 weeks and federal funding to Planned Parenthood, but Congress has not obliged. Still, other anti-abortion policy goals have been realized.
Renuevan el programa de salud infantil CHIP por seis años
Muchos estados ya estaban quedándose sin fondos para solventar el programa que ofrece atención de salud a 9 millones de niños.
Children’s Insurance, Other Health Programs Funded — For Now — In Bill
In a short-term spending bill, Congress extends money to the Children’s Health Insurance Program through March.
Despite Compressed Sign-Up Period, ACA Enrollment Nearly Matches Last Year’s
HHS announces that 8.8 million people signed up for coverage through the federal insurance marketplace.
Why Do People Hate Obamacare, Anyway?
It’s not just ideology; a lot of people don’t understand what the law does or how it works.
Sen. Collins’ Strategy To Stabilize Insurance Market Raises Doubts Among Analysts
Even if the Republican from Maine can get her party to go along, her suggestions to bolster the individual insurance market may be too little, too late.
Congress Isn’t Really Done With Health Care — Just Look At What’s In The Tax Bills
Even though congressional Republicans set aside their Obamacare repeal-and-replace efforts this year, here are five major health policy changes that could become law as part of the pending House and Senate proposals.