Michelle Andrews

Inmigrantes pueden cubrir la brecha de escasez de personal para cuidados de largo plazo

KFF Health News Original

Estados Unidos se enfrenta a una crisis, cada vez mayor, de falta de personal que pone en peligro la seguridad de los mayores más frágiles en las residencias. En un mercado laboral en el que abundan las opciones de trabajo, los cuidados de larga duración, mal pagados y físicamente exigentes, son difíciles de vender.

Despite Katie Couric’s Advice, Doctors Say Ultrasound Breast Exams May Not Be Needed

KFF Health News Original

When Katie Couric announced she had breast cancer, she urged women to get a mammogram — and, if they have dense breasts, to get supplemental screening by ultrasound. But medical experts point out that ultrasound and other auxiliary screenings haven’t been proven to do more than regular mammography in reducing mortality.

Employers Are Concerned About Covering Workers’ Mental Health Needs, Survey Finds

KFF Health News Original

Nearly half of large employers report that increasing numbers of their workers were using mental health services, according to a KFF annual employer survey. Yet almost a third of those employers said their health plan’s network didn’t have enough behavioral health care providers for employees to have timely access to the care they need.

$80,000 and 5 ER Visits: An Ectopic Pregnancy Takes a Toll Despite NY’s Liberal Abortion Law

KFF Health News Original

If an embryo has implanted in a fallopian tube, ending the pregnancy is imperative to protect the patient’s life. Women’s health advocates have raised concerns that the needed treatment may be hampered by restrictive abortion laws in some states. Yet women seeking treatment in states with more liberal abortion laws may still find the process expensive and harrowing.