Miami’s Little Haiti Joins Global Effort to End Cervical Cancer
Creole-speaking public health workers teach women how to test themselves for HPV, the virus that causes some cervical cancers.
Trying to Avoid Racist Health Care, Black Women Seek Out Black Obstetricians
Besides shared culture and values, a Black physician can offer Black patients a sense of safety, validation and trust. By contrast, the impact of systemic racism can show up starkly in childbirth. Black women are three times as likely to die after giving birth as white women in the United States.
De puerta en puerta para crear confianza en las vacunas contra covid en la Pequeña Habana
Varias razones sociales y económicas hacen que sea difícil para algunos residentes de Miami hacerse la prueba o recibir tratamiento, o aislarse si están enfermos de covid.
Musicians Struggle To Buy Insurance In A City That Thrives On Music
The music industry generates $1.6 billion a year for Austin, Texas. But many musicians can’t afford the basics, including health insurance. The Health Alliance for Austin Musicians steps in to help.