Expect to pay more for your job-based health care coverage next year, as employers continue a trend of passing along rising costs to workers.
Fifty-three percent of large employers surveyed by the National Business Group on Health said they would increase the amount workers pay toward their premiums next year, although most said the rise would be less than 10 percent. Thirty-nine percent of the 83 firms surveyed said they would increase deductibles for in-network care.
The firms surveyed, which together employ about 4 million workers, expect health costs to rise 7.4 percent this year, far higher than general inflation. Next year, they’re anticipating a slighlty lower increase.
Almost three-quarters of the firms (73 percent) will offer workers at least one high-deductible plan next year, up from 61 percent this year. Such plans shift more of the cost to workers, but generally have lower premiums.