
Latest KFF Health News Stories

Free Health Clinics At A Crossroads

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Free health clinics have long been places people turn to when they don’t have health insurance or any money to pay for care. But the health law’s expansion of coverage puts free clinics in uncharted territory.

GOP Candidates Dispute Gingrich, Romney Records On Individual Mandate

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At Saturday night’s debate in Des Moines, the GOP presidential candidates spent a considerable amount of time discussing the 2010 health law. In the debate’s most talked-about moment, Mitt Romney offered to bet Rick Perry $10,000 that what Perry was saying about Romney’s book wasn’t correct.

Florida Eyeing Cuts To Medicaid

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The response of Gov. Rick Scott’s administration to the soaring cost of Medicaid is drawing fire from hospitals, and HHS may refuse to approve the plan.

Local California Republicans Quietly Embrace Medicaid Expansion

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Rep. Kevin McCarthy, the No. 3 Republican in the House, has made it clear that he wants President Obama’s health overhaul law repealed. But conservative lawmakers in his hometown of Bakersfield, Calif., and elsewhere in the state are expanding insurance coverage for low-income adults.

President Obama Proposes Cuts To Health Care Spending To Lower Deficit

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President Barack Obama on Monday proposed a series of cost savings in health care programs including to Medicare and Medicaid to reduce the deficit. The proposals include paying doctors for health care outcomes instead of on a “fee-for-service” basis, and Obama also rejected the notion turning Medicare into a “voucher” system.

Some States Seeking Health Care Compact

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The interstate compact, which has been adopted by four states, would replace federal programs – including Medicare and Medicaid – with block grants. It cannot be implemented without congressional approval.