Latest News On Aid In Dying

Latest KFF Health News Stories

Traveling To Die: The Latest Form of Medical Tourism

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Medical aid in death is legal in 10 states and the District of Columbia. But only Oregon and Vermont explicitly allow out-of-state people who are terminally ill to die with assistance there. So far, at least 49 people have made the trek while state legislation stalls elsewhere.

Disability Rights Groups Sue to Overturn California’s Physician-Assisted Death Law

KFF Health News Original

Disability rights advocates and two individuals with disabilities sued Tuesday to overturn the state’s physician-assisted death law, arguing it is unconstitutional, violates the Americans with Disabilities Act, and makes it too easy for people with terminal diseases whose deaths aren’t imminent to kill themselves with a doctor’s help.

Will Ties To A Catholic Hospital System Tie Doctors’ Hands?

KFF Health News Original

Doctors at the University of California’s flagship San Francisco hospital are sharply divided over a proposal to join forces with a Catholic-run system that restricts care on the basis of religious doctrine — part of a broader public debate as Catholic hospitals expand their reach.