Latest KFF Health News Stories
KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: The Autumn of Democrats’ Discontent
Congress is back in session with a short time to finish a long to-do list, including keeping the government operating and paying its bills. Hanging in the balance is President Joe Biden’s entire domestic agenda, including major changes proposed for Medicare, Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act. Meanwhile, the new Texas abortion law that bans the procedure early in pregnancy is prompting action in Washington. Joanne Kenen of Politico, Mary Ellen McIntire of CQ Roll Call and Sarah Karlin-Smith of the Pink Sheet join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Also, Rovner interviews former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb about his new book on the covid-19 pandemic.
La máscara de tela, ¿es suficiente para proteger contra la variante delta?
Las máscaras siguen siendo una pieza fundamental en la lucha contra la pandemia, porque las personas se infectan principalmente con el SARS-CoV-2, el virus que causa covid-19, al inhalar pequeñas partículas de aerosol que permanecen en el ambiente y las gotas respiratorias que se producen al toser y estornudar.
Ask KHN-PolitiFact: Is My Cloth Mask Good Enough to Face the Delta Variant?
Public health experts increasingly urge people to upgrade to surgical masks, but also maintain that cloth masks still offer protection.
Científicos analizan los sistemas inmunes únicos de los niños mientras más son víctimas de covid
Aunque no hay evidencia de que la variante delta cause una enfermedad más grave, el virus es tan infeccioso que los niños están siendo hospitalizados en gran número, principalmente en estados con bajas tasas de vacunación.
Scientists Examine Kids’ Unique Immune Systems as More Fall Victim to Covid
Doctors are trying to figure out why some kids become much sicker than others and, in rare cases, don’t survive.
How Fauci and the NIH Got Ahead of the FDA and CDC in Backing Boosters
With real-time data streaming in from highly specialized researchers in the U.S. and abroad, NIH scientists became convinced that boosting the covid-19 vaccine was needed to save lives, prompting the president to announce a plan with a Sept. 20 start date. Scientists at the regulatory agencies weren’t yet convinced. A meeting Friday will determine what happens next. Here’s the story from behind the scenes.
V-Safe: How Everyday People Help the CDC Track Covid Vaccine Safety With Their Phones
V-safe is a new safety monitoring system that lets anyone who has been vaccinated against covid-19 report possible side effects directly to federal health officials. Experts believe the smartphone tool has so far helped demonstrate the vaccines are safe.
To Quarantine or Not: The Hard Choices Schools Are Leaving to Parents and Staff
Back-to-school season has fueled immediate covid outbreaks. Instead of beefing up protections, some districts are letting students go without masks, physical distancing and quarantines. And parents are left to make impossibly tough decisions.
Lo que debes saber sobre el refuerzo de la vacuna contra covid
La administración de Biden anunció el miércoles 18 de agosto planes para ofrecer refuerzos de la vacuna contra covid-19 a todos los adultos estadounidenses a partir del próximo mes.
Science Shows Mask-Wearing Is Largely Safe for Children
Scientists have found little evidence that the kind of masks worn by students negatively affect oxygen or carbon dioxide levels.
Heces: la nueva herramienta de detección de covid y otras enfermedades
Cuando se detecta la presencia de covid en las aguas residuales, se realizan pruebas a los estudiantes, al personal y a los profesores, lo que ha permitido a la universidad identificar y aislar a los individuos infectados que aún no muestran síntomas.
The Newest Disease Detection Tool for Covid and Beyond: Poop
Hundreds of college campuses, cities and counties around California and the U.S. are exploring sewers for the newest data stream to track covid and other infectious diseases.
Mensaje del CEO de Pfizer al público: confíen en nosotros con el refuerzo de la vacuna contra covid
Pfizer anunció su ensayo global de fase 3 sobre una tercera dosis a mediados de julio. La fecha de finalización de ese ensayo es en 2022. Los resultados de la fase 3 suelen ser necesarios antes de la aprobación oficial.
Pfizer CEO to Public: Just Trust Us on the Covid Booster
As pharmaceutical companies declare a need for boosters, scientists and doctors emphasize there’s no proof yet.
Más embarazadas con covid en cuidados intensivos, expertos enfatizan que deben vacunarse
La baja tasa de vacunación en este grupo es sorprendente, señalan médicos. Al 31 de julio, solo el 23% de las embarazadas habían recibido al menos una dosis de la vacuna contra el coronavirus, según estadísticas de los CDC.
Reading, ’Rithmetic and Resisting Covid: The New 3 R’s as Kids Head Back to School
Children under 12 can’t get a vaccine, so parents are concerned about how to keep them safe as classes resume — especially as the delta variant spreads.
Getting a Covid Vaccine During Pregnancy Even More Urgent as ICU Beds Fill Up
The CDC recommends that pregnant people be vaccinated against covid-19, based on new safety and effectiveness evidence on the covid vaccines.
DeSantis’ Executive Order Is Misleading About Lack of Scientific Support for Masking in Schools
The Florida governor’s order said schools couldn’t mandate that students wear masks and that the state could deny funding to school districts that didn’t comply.
Clarity on Covid Count: Pandemic’s Toll on Seniors Extended Well Beyond Nursing Homes
The latest research shows that although deaths in nursing homes received enormous attention, far more older adults who perished from covid lived outside of institutions. People with dementia and other severe neurological conditions, chronic kidney disease and immune deficiencies were hit especially hard.
“Sabiduría y miedo” llevan al 90% de los adultos mayores de EE.UU. a vacunarse contra covid
La pandemia ha sido especialmente cruel para los adultos mayores. Casi el 80% de las muertes ocurrieron entre personas de 65 años y más. Millones estuvieron aislados en residencias y en sus casas por meses.