Latest KFF Health News Stories
La decisión de los CDC sobre la prueba del coronavirus atormentará al país por meses
Los kits iniciales para la prueba del coronavirus se distribuyeron casi por igual en localidades de los 50 estados. Sin pensar demasiado aquéllas zonas que realmente los necesitaban con urgencia.
With Medical Safety Gear Scarce, The Public Is Stepping Up. Here’s Help On Ways To Help.
If you or your company have useful supplies and want to donate them, here are some answers to questions you might be asking.
CDC Coronavirus Testing Decision Likely To Haunt Nation For Months To Come
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention gave huge cities roughly the same number of test kits as some rural spots, which crippled efforts by health officials to contain the virus.
As Coronavirus Testing Gears Up, Specialized Swabs Running Out
Nationwide, testing for coronavirus is ramping up. But the supply of specialty swabs needed to collect potential coronavirus specimens can’t keep up with demand, creating a bottleneck in testing capabilities. So two top manufacturers are working with U.S. and Italian governments to increase production.
Qué significa la “limpieza profunda” para tener barcos, aviones y casas libres de virus
La limpieza profunda no es un concepto científico y, aunque hay guías oficiales, puede significar algo distinto para una empresa que para un consumidor.
Lo que los padres deben saber sobre la difícil decisión de cerrar escuelas
Los cierres son parte de una estrategia amplia para limitar las interacciones públicas y frenar la propagación de COVID-19. Pero la decisión está lejos de ser fácil, y es controversial.
Many Schools Have Closed ― But Not All. What Parents Need To Know About That Tough Call.
Closing K-12 schools is part of a broad strategy to limit public interactions and slow the spread of COVID-19 cases. But the decision is far from easy, with conflicting science about how effective such closures are weighed against the massive disruption to families’ lives.
Ships, Planes, Trains, Scooters All Need A Virus Wipe. But What Does A ‘Deep Clean’ Mean?
There is no universal protocol for a “deep clean” in trying to eradicate the novel coronavirus. Industries are tailoring sanitation efforts in accordance with what makes sense for them.
Estos científicos crearon rápido una prueba eficaz mientras el coronavirus se acercaba
Los doctores Keith Jerome y Alex Greninger, de la Universidad de Washington, han supervisado la implementación de más de 4,000 pruebas de pacientes de todo el país.
How Intrepid Lab Sleuths Ramped Up Tests As Coronavirus Closed In
Drs. Keith Jerome and Alex Greninger fast-tracked a test for the deadly new coronavirus weeks before it began spreading in the U.S. Their work has been key to detecting community transmission and ramping up the nation’s testing capacity.
Looking For Answers After Coronavirus Contact? Welcome To The Gray Zone
The COVID-19 outbreak has spawned confusion among health officials, doctors and the public, especially for people who fall into the gray area for testing and deciding whether they need to quarantine themselves. Where to turn for answers about isolation and quarantine varies by locale. All this means agencies are sometimes delaying needed advice and giving people incorrect information.
Coronavirus Pushes Hospitals To Share Information About Stocks Of Protective Gear
There is currently no central coordination of the supply of protective garb and masks in U.S. hospital inventories. A CDC project wants hospitals to share that information for the good of all.
¿Cómo evitar el coronavirus? Lecciones de personas cuyas vidas dependen de ello
Personas que recibieron trasplantes de órganos, que están en quimioterapia o viven con enfermedades crónicas, conocen bien las normas de higiene que ahora se promueven.
How To Avoid Coronavirus? Lessons From People Whose Lives Depend On It
As the new coronavirus continues its spread through the U.S., the general public can look for guidance from millions of Americans with weakened immune systems who long ago adopted the rules of infection control that officials tout to avoid contagion.
As Youth Suicides Climb, Anguished Parents Begin To Speak Out
The suicide rate for children ages 10 to 14 almost tripled in a decade and is still rising. As parents grapple with loss, some turn to activism.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.
In An Exchange About Coronavirus, Homeland Security Chief Gets Flu Mortality Rate Wrong
The Homeland Security secretary missed the mark with his estimate of the flu’s annual U.S. mortality rate.
Nursing Home Outbreak Spotlights Coronavirus Risk In Elder Care Facilities
The spread of coronavirus disease to a skilled nursing facility in Washington state underscores the risk the deadly new virus poses in elder care facilities, where illnesses caused by more common pathogens, like seasonal influenza, often spread rapidly.
Brote de coronavirus en Washington revela riesgo en los centros de adultos mayores
En los Estados Unidos, 2.2 millones de personas viven en entornos de atención a largo plazo y pueden estar en mayor riesgo debido a la edad y a condiciones de salud subyacentes.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.