Latest KFF Health News Stories
How The Shutdown Might Affect Your Health
For some federal health programs, a shuttered government means business as usual. But the congressional impasse over funding will hit others hard.
Fallout From ‘Nuclear Button’ Tweets: Sales Of Anti-Radiation Drug Skyrocket
Orders for potassium iodide reportedly jumped after a Jan. 2 war of words between Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.
Defendiéndose de la mortal temporada de gripe: 5 cosas que hay que saber ahora
El virus se ha expandido en 46 estados y los síntomas son más feroces. La vacuna ayuda pero no protege ciento por ciento, dicen expertos.
Defending Against This Season’s Deadly Flu: 5 Things To Know Now
A particularly nasty flu is widespread in 46 states. Nationally, at least 106 people have died from the infectious disease.
California Scrambles To Contain ‘Unprecedented’ Hepatitis A Outbreaks
Hundreds of people, most of them homeless, have been infected. In San Diego County, where 17 people have died, critics fault authorities for being slow to act.
A esta madre hispana no le dijeron que tenía zika
Los resultados estuvieron listos en diciembre, pero Andrea Pardo no fue notificada hasta abril, cuando ya tenía 37 semanas de embarazo, de que había estado infectada con el virus del zika.
A Clinic Mix-Up Leaves Pregnant Woman In Dark About Zika Risk
A Washington state woman didn’t find out for months that she was likely infected with the virus that can cause serious birth defects. Clinic officials say they’ll do better.
Federal Money For State-Level Zika Tracking, Prevention May End This Summer
California has reported more than 500 travel-related Zika infections, and five babies have been born in the state with birth defects related to the mosquito-borne disease.
California busca establecer un límite estricto en químicos tóxicos en agua potable
Se trata de una sustancia química tóxica producida por el hombre que ha contaminado los suministros de agua en todo el estado, particularmente en el corazón de la vasta zona agrícola.
California Proposes Stringent Cap On Toxic Chemical In Drinking Water
Water board officials want to limit TCP, a former pesticide ingredient and human carcinogen that has contaminated water supplies. Groundwater in other states is contaminated as well.
VPH: nueva versión de la vacuna previene el contagio con solo dos dosis
Defensores de la salud pública esperan que con la nueva recomendación de administrar solo dos dosis de la vacuna contra el VPH a niñas y niños de entre 9 y 14 años las tasas de vacunación mejoren.
New Vaccine Recommendation Cuts Number Of HPV Shots Children Need
The vaccine protects kids against infection and several types of cancer but many parents have been reluctant to use it for their children.
ER Visits Linked To Falls Spike Among California Seniors
State data show a rise of nearly 40 percent in fall-related visits from 2010 to 2015, a period in which the elderly population grew about 21 percent.
In Search Of A Vaccine To Vanquish The Plague
The scourge of the Middle Ages could still be pretty scary as a bioterrorism weapon, so scientists are trying to find a way to immunize people against it.
Deadly Superbug Linked To Four Deaths In The U.S.
A deadly superbug has been linked to at least four deaths and nine other cases in the U.S. and has spread across the globe in just six years.
Vinculan súper hongo mortal con cuatro muertes en EE.UU.
Un nuevo hongo mortal resistente a los medicamentos se ha relacionado con la muerte de cuatro pacientes hospitalizados en los Estados Unidos, según un nuevo informe de los CDC.
Many Localities Find Past Ambivalence On Mosquitoes Hinders Zika Response
Efforts to control and track the mosquitoes that carry the Zika virus have been hampered by lack of resources.
Women And The Zika Virus: Smart Questions And A Few Solid Answers
Here’s a breakdown of what women should know, and what is still unclear, regarding how Zika is transmitted, who is at risk and how to take precautions against it.
Reporter’s Notebook: Pregnant And Caught In Zika Test Limbo
Pregnant women in South Florida can get free Zika tests through the state’s health department. But delays in getting back the results are heightening worries and may affect medical options.
In Battle Against Zika, Researchers Seek Foolproof Test For Infection
Most people who have been infected don’t have symptoms, so they don’t know they have the virus.