Latest KFF Health News Stories
A Late-Life Surprise: Taking Care Of Frail, Aging Parents
More and more older adults, age 60 and older, care for their elderly parents and face physical, emotional and financial stress.
Pacientes con dolor crónico se sienten atrapados en el debate sobre opioides
Los pacientes que necesitan esta medicación se sienten afectados injustamente por la tendencia a recetarlos cada vez menos, como una estrategia para frenar la creciente epidemia de abuso de opioides.
Patients With Chronic Pain Feel Caught In An Opioid-Prescribing Debate
States are passing laws that limit a doctor’s ability to prescribe opioids. Doctors and patients alike are wrestling with what that means in cases of chronic pain.
Esperanza y cautela por una vacuna de bajo costo contra la diabetes tipo 1
La vacuna, conocida como BCG, se utiliza en varios países para prevenir la tuberculosis y durante mucho tiempo se ha sabido que también estimula el sistema inmunitario.
Retooled Vaccine Raises Hopes As A Lower-Cost Treatment For Type 1 Diabetes
The vaccine, BCG, is relatively cheap. But experts caution the therapy could be overhyped and, if proven effective, wind up overpriced.
Texas Clinics Busting Traditional Silos Of Mental And Physical Health Care
Efforts to provide care that integrates physical and mental health services are spreading, partly because untreated mental health conditions negatively affect physical health and escalate health care costs.
Calabacita, pavo y arroz integral: Medicaid ofrece alimentos como medicinas
Un programa en Philadelphia entrega a domicilio comidas médicamente preparadas, que paga Medicaid, para ayudar a personas con condiciones crónicas a comer sano y mejorar.
Rx: Zucchini, Brown Rice, Turkey Soup. Medicaid Plan Offers Food As Medicine
A small group of insurers offers some members with serious illnesses medically tailored meals to improve their health.
Watch: Beyond Puerto Rico’s Grim Statistics, Stories Of Lives And Deaths
KHN senior correspondent Sarah Varney reports from Puerto Rico in the aftermath of the devastating Sept. 20 hurricane.
Prueba logra que pacientes sean francos con sus médicos sobre la hipertensión
Los medicamentos contra la hipertensión, que previenen graves ataques, a veces generan efectos secundarios. Por eso muchos pacientes dejan de tomarlos… y le mienten a sus médicos.
Drug Test Spurs Frank Talk Between Hypertension Patients And Doctors
Roughly half of patients don’t take their high blood pressure medicine as they should, even though heart disease is the leading cause of death in America. Now, a drug test can flag whether a patient is taking the prescribed medication and is meant to spark a more truthful conversation between patient and doctor.
Más mujeres que hombres sufren ahora una “aterradora” enfermedad pulmonar
La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) está afectando a millones de mujeres que comenzaron a fumar en los años 60 y 70, casi como una forma de rebelión.
‘Scary’ Lung Disease Now Afflicts More Women Than Men In U.S.
Barbara Bush’s case highlights that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) — a disease linked to long-term smoking and traditionally considered a men’s disease — is now more prevalent among women.
La lenta recuperación de Puerto Rico impacta en los pacientes de diálisis
Catorce pacientes que viven en Vieques y necesitan diálisis tres veces por semana deben volar a la isla principal para recibir tratamiento, luego que el huracán María destruyera la clínica local.
Puerto Rico’s Slow-Going Recovery Means New Hardship For Dialysis Patients
Since massive Hurricane Maria struck in September and knocked out the dialysis center on the tiny satellite island of Vieques, more than a dozen patients needing treatment now must fly several times a week to the main island.
Medical Marijuana’s ‘Catch-22’: Federal Limits On Research Hinder Patients’ Relief
Suffering Americans seek medical marijuana as an alternative to opioids and other powerful pharmaceuticals. Though legal in 29 states, some doctors say the lack of strong data makes it hard to recommend.
¿Hay una forma normal de envejecer?, científicos lo explican década por década
Hay procesos biológicos y cambios en el organismo vinculados a la edad, que forman parte de lo que los geriatras consideran un envejecimiento normal.
Is There Such A Thing As Normal Aging?
Our experts track the signs of normal aging from ages 50 to 100 — and there are some surprises.
Adultos mayores toman muchas vitaminas, aunque no está demostrado que funcionan
Decenas de estudios han ofrecido “resultados prometedores”, pero nunca pruebas científicas contundentes que muestren que los suplementos vitamínicos previenen enfermedades.
Older Americans Are Hooked On Vitamins Despite Scarce Evidence They Work
Sixty-eight percent of those 65 and older take vitamin supplements. Much of what we once believed about the benefits is wrong.