Latest KFF Health News Stories
Incendios forestales afectan el doble a californianos de bajos recursos
Ya viven en vecindarios a pocas millas de fábricas y carreteras. Los incendios solo han agravado los problemas de salud de esta población vulnerable.
Low-Income Californians Feel Twice The Burn From Wildfires
People living near highways and agricultural and industrial zones get hit with a “double whammy” when smoke blows into their neighborhoods, where the air is often polluted already.
Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ Opioids, EpiPens And Health Funding
In this episode of KHN’s “What the Health?” Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Alice Ollstein of Talking Points Memo, Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times and Joanne Kenen of Politico discuss Senate action on health funding and opioid legislation, the state of the individual insurance market and consternation over expiration dates on EpiPens, the self-injected allergy remedy. Also, could an otter with asthma signal a potential public health crisis?
Los más frágiles en Puerto Rico enfrentan el final de la ayuda por el huracán
Como Ausberto Maldonado, miles en la isla que sufren condiciones crónicas, y casi no tienen alimentos y medicinas, sienten que la crisis económica es tanto o más amenazante que el huracán María.
Time’s Running Out: The Frail In Puerto Rico Face End Of Hurricane Relief Programs
Some of the safety-net programs set up after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico are being disbanded.
When Wildfire Smoke Invades, Who Should Pay To Clean Indoor Air?
Public health agencies are set up to regulate easily controlled sources of air pollution. Wildfire smoke presents a different set of expensive challenges.
Following The Fire: Montana Scientists Seize Chance To Scrutinize Smoke Exposure
The health effects of extended smoke exposure are largely unknown because it’s difficult to conduct studies. But last summer’s wildfire season has handed scientists a unique opportunity for research.
La “máquina Gesundheit” recolecta virus para enfrentar a la feroz gripe
En la Universidad de Maryland, en College Park, estudiantes participan de un estudio que investiga cómo se disemina el virus de la gripe y otros gérmenes peligrosos.
The ‘Gesundheit Machine’ Collects Campus Cooties In Race Against A Fierce Flu
Environmental health professor Don Milton is studying how the flu — and other dangerous infections — are spread. The close quarters of dorm rooms and cafeterias at the University of Maryland provide him with a steady supply of research subjects.
Hospitals Find Asthma Hot Spots More Profitable To Neglect Than Fix
Months of reporting and rich hospital data portray life in the worst asthma hot spot in one of the worst asthma cities: Baltimore. The medical system knows how to help. But there’s no money in it.
Attack On Asthma: Scrubbing Homes Of Allergens May Tame Disease And Its Costs
A pilot program to asthma-proof homes in Baltimore shows that even without intensive professional cleaning services, families can learn to substantially reduce home allergens on their own.
Experts Explain Why Lead Found In Fidget Spinners Is No Idle Threat
Feeling fidgety about U.S. PIRG’s latest report? KHN gets experts to weigh in with their thoughts about the findings and consumers’ risks.
Breathing Fire: Health Is A Casualty Of Climate-Fueled Blazes
As the planet warms, wildfires such as the latest disastrous blazes in Northern California have increased in frequency and scope. Beyond the environmental effects, people suffer health repercussions that can be disabling and even deadly.
California Cracks Down On Weed Killer As Lawsuits Abound
California has listed the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup as a cancer-causing agent and will require warning labels on it starting next year. The company says that the listing is unjustified and that science is on its side.
California Valley Fever Cases Highest On Record
Nearly 5,400 cases of the soil-borne fungal disease were reported in 2016, the largest number since the state began tracking the illness in 1995, according to public health officials.