Latest KFF Health News Stories
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
KHN’s newsletter editor, Brianna Labuskes, wades through hundreds of health articles from the week so you don’t have to.
Top Policy Expert’s Ties To Giant Drugmaker Often Go Unstated
Dr. Mark McClellan joined Johnson & Johnson’s board of directors after leaving the FDA, but the connection often isn’t mentioned in research papers or public events.
Bubble Pop? Brownie Batter? Vapes’ Added Flavors Fuel E-Cig Debate
Vaping is becoming increasingly popular in the United States, especially among young people. This fact is triggering an unexpected divide within the public health community and complicating efforts to regulate the industry.
Drugmakers Blamed For Blocking Generics Have Jacked Up Prices And Cost U.S. Billions
The Trump administration is shaming brand-name drugmakers who refuse to sell samples so generics can be made from their products.
Best Reads Of The Week With Brianna Labuskes
KHN’s newsletter editor, Brianna Labuskes, wades through hundreds of health articles from the week so you don’t have to.
Today’s Special: Obamacare Menu Labeling Rules Ushered In
Restaurants, convenience stores, vending machines and pizza delivery services are among the businesses that will have to provide calories counts to consumers.
Dissecting The Rhetoric Vs. Reality Of Trump’s Tough Talk On Drug Prices
President Donald Trump’s upcoming speech on drug prices comes after months of public comments and debate about tackling the issue.
Study: Nearly Three-Quarters Of Commonly Used Medical Scopes Tainted By Bacteria
The ‘scary’ findings show a discouraging lack of progress in cleaning the devices, despite more vigorous efforts in the wake of deadly superbug outbreaks, experts say.
Safety Violations Compound Pain Of Painkiller Shortages
California and federal officials have cracked down on a major compounding pharmacy they say posed a threat to public safety, but their actions are worsening shortages of medications that doctors rely on to keep their patients out of pain.
Medical Marijuana’s ‘Catch-22’: Federal Limits On Research Hinder Patients’ Relief
Suffering Americans seek medical marijuana as an alternative to opioids and other powerful pharmaceuticals. Though legal in 29 states, some doctors say the lack of strong data makes it hard to recommend.
C-SPAN: FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb Talks To KHN
Kaiser Health News reporter Sarah Jane Tribble sat down with Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb on C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers” program. The conversation ranged from how the nation should combat the opioid epidemic to reining in drug prices.
Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ Health Law Fix Misses The Spending Bill Train
In this episode of KHN’s “What the Health?” Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Joanne Kenen of Politico, Anna Edney of Bloomberg News and Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times discuss the apparent demise of bipartisan legislation aimed at shoring up parts of the Affordable Care Act. They also discuss aggressive new efforts by the Food and Drug Administration to regulate tobacco products. Plus, for extra credit, the panelists offer their favorite health policy stories of the week.
La FDA reducirá la nicotina en cigarrillos, para ayudar a fumadores a dejar el hábito
Autoridades aseguran que este plan ayudará a que los fumadores dejen el hábito, logrará que 33 millones de personas que ahora son menores ni siquiera se acerquen al tabaco, y salvará 8 millones de vidas.
FDA Moves To Cut Nicotine In Cigarettes, Helping Smokers Kick Habit
In a historic move, the Food and Drug Administration stated its intent Thursday to require tobacco companies to cut nicotine levels in their products to make them less addictive. Stripping cigarettes of addictive power could lead an estimated 5 million adults to quit smoking within a year of the plan.
Para abaratar el costo de los medicamentos, estados quieren importarlos de Canadá
Algunos estados buscan impulsar al gobierno federal para que allane el camino para comprar stocks de medicamentos en Canadá con el fin de abaratar los costos y ahorrarle dinero a las arcas estatales.
In An Effort To Curb Drug Costs, States Advance Bills To Prod Feds On Importation
Legislatures in blue and red states alike are considering proposals that would allow them to import prescription drugs from Canada.
FDA Head Vows To Tackle High Drug Prices And Drugmakers ‘Gaming The System’
In an exclusive interview, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb describes what he’s doing to spur competition and bring down drug prices.
How The Shutdown Might Affect Your Health
For some federal health programs, a shuttered government means business as usual. But the congressional impasse over funding will hit others hard.
Grassley Calls For ‘Corrective Action’ On Abuses In Herpes Vaccine Research
The Republican senator sent out letters to the Food and Drug Administration and HHS demanding an explanation about a rogue herpes vaccine trial.
FDA Chief Says He’s Open To Rethinking Incentives On Orphan Drugs
The FDA’s Scott Gottlieb says the agency is focused on the big picture, and he wants to know why pharma churns out drugs for some rare diseases but not for others.