Latest KFF Health News Stories
Cities And Counties Unlikely To Heed FDA Warning On Importing Foreign Drugs
The Food and Drug Administration claims CanaRX, a company used by more than 500 cities, counties and school districts to help their employees get cheaper drugs from overseas, has sent “unapproved” and “misbranded” drugs to U.S. consumers, jeopardizing their safety.
In Florida, Drug Importation From Canada Finds New Champions, Old Snags
The state’s governor said the plan has the full support of the White House. But the Trump administration was noncommittal about whether allowing states to buy and import cheaper drugs from up north could be the answer to the nation’s drug-pricing problem.
Need Health Insurance? The Deadline Is Dec. 15
Enrollment is lagging compared with last year’s pace. But experts say sign-ups tend to accelerate as the deadline nears, and many people will be automatically re-enrolled, so the final numbers could approach last year’s totals.
Health Care Tops Guns, Economy As Voters’ Top Issue
Nearly three-quarters of voters say that health care is the most important issue for them, but fewer than half are hearing much from candidates about it, according to a poll released by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
En Florida, padres critican requisito escolar que obliga a revelar la salud mental de sus hijos
El nuevo requisito es parte de una ley aprobada por la legislatura estatal después del tiroteo de febrero en la escuela secundaria Marjory Stoneman Douglas, en Parkland.
Parents Are Leery Of Schools Requiring ‘Mental Health’ Disclosures By Students
Florida school districts now have to ask if a new student has ever been referred for mental health services. It’s a legislative attempt to help troubled kids. Will it work, or increase stigma instead?
Unwitting Patients, Copycat Comments Play Hidden Role In Federal Rule-Making
As HHS decided to cut $1.6 billion in drug payments to hospitals, it weighed thousands of comments generated by a pharmaceutical-funded advocacy group.
Giuliani’s Consulting Firm Helped Halt Purdue Opioid Investigation In Florida
Post-9/11, Giuliani Partners helped craft a plan that put a halt to a probe into Purdue’s marketing of OxyContin.
Florida: elecciones de noviembre y la expansión de Medicaid
Expertos se preguntan si Florida seguirá el ejemplo de Virginia y aprobará la expansión de Medicaid en un futuro cercano.
In Florida, Midterm Elections Hold Faint Hope For Medicaid Expansion
Republicans’ overwhelming majorities in the state legislature make pursuing a policy that could benefit 660,000 uninsured adults a “long shot,” political analysts say.
Más recortes a los fondos para programas de navegadores de ACA
Los Centros de Servicios de Medicare y Medicaid anunciaron que están reduciendo el dinero para financiar el trabajo de los navegadores, que ayudan a las personas a inscribirse y comprar o cambiar de plan de salud
Outrageous Or Overblown? HHS Announces Another Round Of ACA Navigator Funding Cuts
Advocates of the sweeping health law view this move by the Trump administration as its most recent act of sabotage. But not everyone views it as a mortal blow.
A Tale Of Two CT Scanners — One Richer, One Poorer
Why is the price of a CT scan 33 times higher in an hospital emergency room than in an outpatient imaging center just down the street?
Mental Health Funding Tied To Florida’s Controversial Gun Legislation
The same Florida bill that would put more guns in schools would provide the state with $90 million more for mental health resources, including $69 million for schools. Advocates say those funds for mental health care are desperately needed.
Después del tiroteo “hay que respetar cómo los jóvenes lidian con sus sentimientos”
Una psicóloga infantil, quien fue alumna de la escuela de Parkland en la que murieron 17 personas, explica cómo ayudar a los adolescentes en los días posteriores al terrible tiroteo.
After Shooting, ‘Honor How Kids Want To Deal With Their Feelings’
Christine Sylvest, a child psychologist who now works in Maryland, for three years attended the Parkland, Fla., high school where a shooting attack left 17 people dead last week. She says the tragedy affects the entire community.
Vuelve del retiro para ayudar a luchar contra la hepatitis C
Cuando se lanzó una prometedora droga para curar la enfermedad contra la que había luchado como médico por décadas, el doctor Robert Cirillo no dudó en volver a ejercer.
From Retirement To The Front Lines Of Hepatitis C Treatment
This doctor came out of retirement with the goal of treating every patient at high risk for hepatitis C he encounters. The problem is finding them.
Puertorriqueños desplazados enfrentan obstáculos para tener seguro médico
Más de 140,000 puertorriqueños llegaron a la zona central de Florida desde que el huracán María devastó la isla. En muchos casos, los planes médicos que tenían en Puerto Rico no funcionaron en el continente.
Displaced Puerto Ricans Face Obstacles Getting Health Care
Many have complicated questions about whether their Medicaid or Medicare coverage can shift to their new homes. And for those seeking private insurance, using the ACA’s insurance marketplaces will likely be a new experience.